Robotic applications in endocrine surgery

Robotic applications in endocrine surgery
Chair: Ozer Makay, Gabriele Materazzi, Barbara Mullineris

14.30 – 14.40 Course presentation
14.40 – 15.00 Philosophy and fundamentals of robotic surgery
Ozer Makay
15.00 – 15.20 Transaxillary robotic thyroidectomy (RATT)
Sang-Wook Kang
15.20 – 15.40 Evidence based medicine for robotic thyroidectomy: comparison of different approaches (BABA, TORT, RATT)
Gabriele Materazzi
15.40 – 16.00 Robotic adrenalectomy
Frederic Sebag
16.00 – 16.20 Robotic approach in pancreatic neuro-endocrine tumors
Barbara Mullineris
16.20 – 16.40 New robotic platforms and future perspective
Pierpaolo Gallucci
16.40 – 17.00 Robotic endocrine surgery: is cost-effective?
Ozer Makay & the panelist
17.00 Debrief – Closing remarks